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The Medals and Plaques Collection

The Medals and Plaques Collection

The Medals and Plaques Collection

05/12/2010 08:45 am

The holdings of the Medals and Plaques Collection contain on the whole the works of Croatian artists from the 19th century down to the present day.

As well as works in durable materials, the Collection holds plaster models for medals and plaques, some of which were never produced in their final form. Via the works Hermina Ferić, R. Frangeš-Mihanović, R. Valdec, I. Kerdić, I. Jeger, R. Spiegler, V. Radauš, Ž. Janeš, Z. Brkić, D. Mataušić and many others it is possible to track the development of Croatian medal making from a stylistic point of view (Impressionism, Realism, Naturalism) and according to the morphology involved. The Collection includes some rare sketches for coins (never struck) by Ivo Kerdić, and sketches for coins by other artists that have also never been used.
The display shows 178 works by 44 artists.

The Medals and Plaques Collection

Croatian, Latin, German



On line

2135 items

Open collection


Hermina Ferić, Rrudolf Valdec, Ivan Kerdić, Ivan Jeger, Robert Frangeš-Mihanović, Vanja Radauš

Text, photo

Microsoft Access, jepg

From the original

In institution

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The Medals and Plaques Collection

The Medals and Plaques Collection

The Medals and Plaques Collection






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