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The Heraldry and Sphragistic Collection

The Heraldry and Sphragistic Collection

05/03/2011 01:28 pm

The Heraldry Collection holds a total of 252 original items, dating from between the 17th and the 20th century: 218 coats of arm, 16 royal grants of coat of arms and 18 genealogies.

The Heraldry Collection holds a total of 252 original items, dating from between the 17th and the 20th century: 218 coats of arm, 16 royal grants of coat of arms and 18 genealogies. An especially attractive part of the Collection are baroque coats of arms of noble families and prelates dating from the 17th and the 18th century, painted on wood, silk and glass; they represent the oldest and most valuable part of the Collection, while most of the items are metal coats of arms of high-ranking officers of the Croatian and Slavonian Military Border dating from the beginning of the 20th century. The Collection also holds a large number of historical coats of arms of states, regions, counties, municipalities and towns made in the 19th century using various techniques, primarily on paper, as well as several coats of arms of the Brotherhood of the Croatian Dragon. In recent years the Collection has made some new acquisitions, redesigned historical or newly designed coats of arms of Croatian towns, municipalities and counties whose heraldic and social evaluation is presently under way. Almost a half of the royal grants of coats of arms, as well as two genealogies from the Collection date back to the baroque period, while the rest is made up of items from the 19th century and the first decade of the 20th century. For this reason, and in spite of the small number of items, these two collections typologically represent all the stages of development and all the stylistic characteristics of their class.

The Heraldry and Sphragistic Collection




On line

252 items

19th century

database, photo

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From the original

In institution

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The Heraldry and Sphragistic Collection

The Heraldry and Sphragistic Collection

The Heraldry and Sphragistic Collection






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