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The Collection of Photographs, Film and Negatives

The Collection of Photographs, Film and Negatives

05/04/2011 02:44 pm

Being a general museum, the Croatian History Museum’s holdings include the Collection of Photographs, films and Negatives which deals with photographs as museum objects relating to the historical period from the beginning of the century to the Patriotic War.

The Collection is an archive for the study of the antifascist struggle, the Ustashe movement, the rise and the fall of the Independent State of Croatia, the post-war conditions in Croatia, as well as the most recent armed conflict and aggression aimed against Croatia. The photographic material has been systematically treated on two levels. The first level deals with the global division into originals and prints in order to enable their analysis, allows their entry in the inventory and archives; the originals and reproductions are entered into special inventory books and are filed separately in the Museum’s storeroom. The second level deals with the time, content and event; the photographs are grouped into defined sets determined by the historical period and subject matter.

The Collection of Photographs, Film and Negatives



On line

85.215 items

20th century

database, photo

jpeg, tiff, bmp, doc

From the original

In institution

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The Collection of Photographs, Film and Negatives

The Collection of Photographs, Film and Negatives

The Collection of Photographs, Film and Negatives






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