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The 20th Century Fine Art Collection

The 20th Century Fine Art Collection

04/14/2011 02:27 pm

The 20th Century Fine Art Collection was established after the Croatian History Museum was founded in 1991 through the integration of the History Museum of Croatia with the Museum of the Revolution of the Peoples of Croatia.

The Collection was formed through the distribution of the Museum’s holdings. The basis of the Collection is the fine art collection of the former Museum of the Revolution of the Peoples of Croatia with more than 4600 works by some sixty Croatian artists of all styles and generations created during the antifascist struggle in Croatia during World War II. For the most part of these are drawings, and to a lesser extent graphics, oils on canvas, posters and sculptures. The Collection includes works by major figures from Croatian art: A. Augustincic, M. Detoni, O. Herman, A. Maurovic, F. Mraz, E. Murtic, V. Parac, O. Postruznik, Z. Prica, V. Radaus, N. Reiser, V. Svecnjak, Lj. Sestic, P. Simaga, D. Tiljak, A. Zupa and many others.

The 20th Century Fine Art Collection




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4600 works

20th Century

A. Augustincic, M. Detoni, O. Herman, A. Maurovic, F. Mraz, E. Murtic, V. Parac, O. Postruznik, Z. Prica, V. Radaus, N. Reiser, V. Svecnjak, Lj. Sestic, P. Simaga, D. Tiljak, A. Zupa

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The 20th Century Fine Art Collection

The 20th Century Fine Art Collection

The 20th Century Fine Art Collection






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