The national project of digitisation of archival, library and museum material

National digitisation project

The national project of digitisation of archival, library and museum material presents the basis for the development of programmes and projects for the digitisation of archival, library and museum material as part of the national cultural heritage, and for the creation and furthering of information society services in these activities.

The basic immediate task of the national programme is to create a framework providing and encouraging wide accessibility and the use and exchange of cultural contents, to facilitate access and presentation of this part of the national cultural heritage, and lead to the creation of digital contents and services based on state- of- the- art information technologies.

One of the long-term strategic goals of the programme is the strengthening of resources and of the institutional and professional capacity of archives, libraries and museums in planning, developing and maintaining high quality digital contents and services.

The programme was initiated by the Ministry of Culture on the basis of the proposal of a working group appointed by the minister of culture in 2005 (in accordance with the suggestions of the Croatian Library Council, the Croatian Museum Council and the Croatian Archival Council) with the task to consider the possible approaches and strategies of digitisation of material on the national level and suggest a programme of activity.

The Ministry of Culture accepted the programme proposal in September 2005. Support for the programme also came from the Central Government Office for e-Croatia and the National Council for Information Society. The Agreement on Cooperation in the implementation of the Croatian National Heritage Project was signed on 13 March 2007 between the Ministry of Culture as the founder, and the National and University Library in Zagreb, the Croatian State Archives and the Museum Documentation Centre as project leaders.

The text of the National Programme for the Digitisation of Archival, Library and Museum Material can be found on this website.

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